Update 2.1.6

Update 2.1.6 is out now!

You can update it from the package manager:

- A new Discord server for LDtkToUnity has launched!

- Produced a new installation tutorial video in the documentation

- Improved the pixels-per-unit field in the importer inspector

  - Can now properly set what the pixels per unit should be (such as 1 pixel per unity unit) and scales accordingly

  - Does not affect entities

  - Scales float/int fields if they were set as a radius in LDtk

  - May be a breaking change for imported projects, as it modifies the size of the import result to match the requested pixels per unit, but in most cases will not break projects

- New common detections added to point out some fixable import problems

- Improved existing logging to be more helpful

- Fixed inability to click documentation icons in the inspector UI in older unity versions

- Texture assets used by LDtk are now dependencies, meaning that LDtk projects will be re-imported upon a texture reimporting

- Fixed level background sprites unintentionally being packed into the sprite atlas

- LDtkArtifactAssets now lists background sprites individually in the inspector

- Fixed an editor crash in Unity 2019.3 when packing a sprite atlas containing lost references

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