Update 4.0.0

Major update that introduces the separate tileset file!


- Added a new separate Tileset Definition File (`.ldtkt`)
  - LDtk will run a custom command to write these files to the same location as separate levels. 
  - This tileset file now generates the sprites and tiles instead of the project file
  - Will only reimport when the tileset was changed in LDtk, saving on iteration time
  - Interacts with the sprite editor window:
    - Can change pivot point / border
    - Can define collision shapes
    - Can now access the `customData` and `enumTags` that are associated with tiles through the tilemap components

- Added a new `LDtkComponentWorld` to the project's hierarchy
- Added `Identifier` to `LDtkNeighbour`
- Added a new field into the project importer inspector to specify the geometry type for composite colliders
- Added support for blocking backups at a custom backup path

Quality of Life

- Optimized the loading speed when separate levels lookup their dependencies
- Failed imports will now display an error icon in the Project window
- Updated codebase to support Unity 2023.1's various API changes
- Largely improved the error/warning handling when importing
  - Less spam, more clear indications when something's wrong, displayed in the importer's UI.
  - Recreated a feature from Unity 2022.2+ for older unity versions to show errors/warnings in the importer inspectors to help point out issues
- IntGrid tile fields in the inspector can now accept TileBase instead.
  - This allows more versatility. However, continue using the IntGridTile type to still utilize the Tag/Layer/PhysicsMaterial.  


- Fixed a bug causing a failure to draw scene entity references and logging error spam
- Fixed backups not blocking importing properly
- The single `World` GameObject will now have it's `dummyWorldIid` set when using MultiWorlds

Breaking Changes

- Generating Tileset definitions will be a hard requirement in order to import LDtk projects properly.
  - They are not automatically generated and need a quick one-time setup (It's relatively quick and painless) 
  - To generate these, follow along with the guide displayed in the project import inspector

- Changed the default tile for an empty tile field back to `None` collision. Make any fixes to reflect this change.
  - Because there are now two options for defining collision, turning off grid collision by default became more sensible.

- Removed the SpriteAtlas field from the project importer
  - Instead, you can directly add a tileset file into a sprite atlas to pack it's sprites, much like the normal Unity workflow
  - Because sprites and tiles are now generated from each respective tileset file, the references to these assets will be lost if they were referenced prior

- Level background sprites are now keyed by the level's identifier instead of the `{name}{x}{y}{w}{h}` format, so any prior references to these sprites may be lost
- Removed the `Export` Button in the importer inspector until the feature is supported again


At the moment, there isn't an easy way to define Tag, Layer, or Physics Material for Tile/Auto layers.


Sep 23, 2023

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